Mahila Degree College
Company Bagh, Gandhinagar, Basti, U.P. - 272001
About the Business
Information about Mahila Degree College in Basti. The information includes contact details like phone numbers, emails, contact person and directions to collegeetc.
In Basti, Mahila Degree College is a well-known college for women's. It is located in Company Bagh, Gandhinagar in Basti and provides high-quality education to students. It is founded by late shri shivharsh upadhayas & affiliated with Siddharth Vishwavidyalaya Kapilvastu, Siddharthnagar and established in 1967 It has a good ratio of well trained & highly educated faculty members. There are now 12 departments. Twelve undergraduate-level subjects and three postgraduate-level subjects are now available. It offers various programme approved by University Grants Commission.
Programs Offered
Under-Graduate Level
- Hindi
- Sociology
- Ancient History
- Urdu
- Physical education
- Pedagogy
- Home Science
- Music
- Political Science
- Sanskrit
- Geography
- Economics
Post-Graduate Level
- Sociology
- Ancient History
- Home Science
Kindly consult with relevant department of college for know more about their admission procedure, course syllabus etc.
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Company Bagh, Gandhinagar, Basti, U.P. - 272001